6 Teeth Whitening Aftercare Tips

6 Teeth Whitening Aftercare Tips

The teeth whitening procedure is a simple and non-invasive one that can remove stains and discoloration from teeth. Patients generally see a dramatic difference in their teeth after the procedure.

There are many advantages of professional teeth whitening. For example, the whitening process can be completed in as little as one hour. While at-home products are available and can offer some whitening benefits, professional teeth whitening is much more effective. It can remove years of staining, including that from coffee and smoking, from your teeth. Professional teeth whitening is also safer for your teeth than at-home whitening products. The whitening gel used in professional treatments is stronger than what you can purchase over the counter. This means it won’t get on your gums, causing irritation.

Aftercare Tips To Maintain The Results of Teeth Whitening

Here are a few aftercare tips you can follow to maintain the results of teeth whitening treatments by your Dentist in Livermore, CA

  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash

If you’ve had a dental procedure, it’s important to brush and floss your teeth with extra vigilance. Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash can help further prevent the formation of plaque and dental stains.

  • Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco

The nicotine in tobacco can discolor the enamel on your teeth. This discoloration is permanent, and no amount of whitening will remedy it. Tobacco also leaves your teeth more vulnerable to stains, discoloration, and decay. So, quit the habit of smoking and tobacco use. 

  • Avoid dark liquids and foods

Avoid dark liquids and foods after teeth whitening. If you regularly drink red wine, coffee, cola, dark teas, or dark soda, you may be more susceptible to staining your teeth. After teeth whitening, you should stay away from these foods and drinks as much as possible.

  • Use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash

Your teeth may stain more easily after whitening, so you will need to make sure you keep up a good oral routine. Using whitening toothpaste and mouthwash can help keep your teeth white for longer. Brush your teeth twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush. The American Dental Association recommends toothbrushing for at least two minutes. After brushing, rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Avoid mouthwash that contains alcohol, which can dry out your mouth. You should also visit your dentist for regular check-ups.

  • Avoid teeth-staining foods and drinks

Avoid coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco as they tend to stain teeth. You may want to avoid foods with a lot of colors, such as berries (which can stain teeth), as well.

  • Wear a custom-fitted whitening tray every night

For the best teeth whitening results, you’ll need to wear your custom-fitted whitening trays given by your Dentist Livermore, CA, every night for 3-4 weeks. Wear your custom-fitted whitening trays every night for 3-4 weeks.

Alta Vista Dental provides the best dental services in Livermore, CA, with the expertise of experienced dentists. Call 925-292-1459 and book your appointment to learn more ways to take care of your oral and dental health. 


3183 Independence Dr, Livermore, CA 94551

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Email: ayspunde@lbl.gov

Phone: (925) 292-1459